UK - More Redeployment and the Fuel Problem - 01 Dec to 21 Dec 1940

01 Dec 1940: Hope fully that will fix it.
I order Asia Fleet 3 to Rabaul.
06 Dec 1940: The fleet has arrived at its destination.
14 Dec 1940: Another leadershp change.
Yunnan wants to join the Allies and they are welcome.
I cancel the Amphibious Assault. The conditions aren't good enough.
Indian Army will support the Chinese Army instead. The theory is that the more Japanese divisions we destroy in China the less there will be available on the islands.
16 Dec 1940: We have high Resistance on the Portuguese islands.
The French appear to be winning this naval battle.
I cancel a Submarine production line and create a second 1940 Destroyer line.
I split the UK Training Fleet and order Naval Exercises for UK Training Fleet 2.
20 Dec 1940: I order 4th Submarine Flotilla to Rabaul from the Mediterranean (Malta).
I rearrange my non-armour Army production.placing more emphasis on Infantry Equipment.
I unlock the Air Doctrinr Formation Flying.
I transfer the 15th RAF Squadron from Aden to Papua. It is equipped with Hawker Hurricanes.
21 Dec 1940: Anschluß under Kaiser Wilhelm II?
I still need a lot more Fuel before I can embark on a major operation.
The Global Summary and the UK is looking good. Japan is now 3rd behind the USA.
My main problem now is the lack of Fuel. 
