UK - The Vickers Wellington and a New Adversary - 18 Aug to 09 Sep 1938
18 Aug 1953: I select the Army Doctrine Unexpected Thrust (Attacker).
26 Aug 1938: Thanks to a Carrier being completed I have 4 Dockyards available which I'll use to build a Minesweeper to compliment the Minelayer based on the same 1936 Destroyer Hull. This is before........and after. It has strong Torpedo systems as well as a medium all-puporse gun turret. I'll be using the 1940 Hull for my main combat Destroyer.
I place it into production. HMS Ark Royal will be completed within a fortnight.
28 Aug 1938; The Vicker Wellington has completed research....
....and I select the Bristol Blenheim next. A useless aircraft but I need it to research the Beaufighter next.My current Research projects.
I place it into production.
I assign HMS Narwhal to 5th Submarine Flotilla.
I plan the consruction of a Fuel Silo in Eritrea.
31 Aug 1938: I commence recruiting Army Brigades. I'll eventually expand them to full Armoured Divisions when the Medium Tanks become available.
01 Sep 1938: Why not? Turkey as a potential ally sounds good.
04 Sep 1938: The HMS Ark Royal has been completed so I share the freed-up Dockyards.
Two new Carriers are now undergoing training.
07 Sep 1938: I only had that option.
07 Sep 1938: Research has been completed on Improved Infantry Equipment I....
....and I select Paratroopers I next.
My projects being researched.
Well that's nice!
08 Sep 1938: Kaiser Wilhelm doesn't worry me but the Pact of Rome is Estonia's faction.
09 Sep 1938: Finally the Japanese are active. I wondered how long they would keep quiet.
Great. We are now at war with the Spanish Directory.
Japan doesn't have a common border with Communist China.
Germany is guaranteeing the independence of China and Japan has war goals against China. Madness!
The Japanese Shogunate. Unaligned and in no faction. Let's hope it stays that way.
This has the potential of becoming a full-scale global conflict and we have the British Empire in the vicinity. I must get the Indian Army there ASAP.
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