USA - War in the Steppes and Turkey Capitulates - 16 Jan to 12 Feb 1943

16 Jan 1943: Strike Fleet Cooke is slowly taking shape. A 3rd Essex-Class Carrier will be joining them soon.
The USS Essex and USS Wasp both have there full compliment of 80 aircraft.
In the Russian steppes the forward elements of 4th Army have made contact with German forces.
17 Jan 1943: We quickly gain the upper hand.
19 Jan 1943: The German division has been defeated and is trying to disengage.
Meanwhile on the Home Front I develop the Aluminium deposits in Tennessee.
My Construction schedule.
23 Jan 1943: A German Gebirgs-Division joins the battle.
27 Jan 1943: Further east we have made contact with a German Infantry division. I send the Marines to help out.
28 Jan 1943: Between these two battles the bulk of 4th Army has made contact with 3 more German divisions including a Panzer-Division.
30 Jan 1943: All three divisions of the US Marine Corps are now tasked with stopping the German spearhead. The Air Doctrine Formation Flying has been completed.
I select the M6A1 Heavy Tank next. The M4 Shermans aren't good enough for me.
My current Research projects.
05 Feb 1943: Turkey capitulating is a blow for our strategy. I need another Plan B.
Turkey is still listed on the War Summary but the nation has no armed forces.
The bulk of 5th Army is on its way to French India.
That doesn't look good. I have Military Access to Egypt but they don't have a port where 5th Army can disembark. The other nations are refusing Military Access to US forces.
More Germans have arrived and the situation north of Manchuria is becoming confused.
06 Feb 1943: We are winning against that Gebirgs-Division but 3 more German divisions have arrived.
09 Feb 1943: The 'central' battle is getting confused too. We need to form a frontline. I don't really want to recall the forward elements of 4th Army but I may have to.
12 Feb 1943: The Germans are now attacking our 1st Cavalry and 1st Armoured Divisions but we can beat them off. Also research has been completed on the 155 mm M114 Artillery.
I select the T20 M27 Medium Tank next.
The situation is not developing to our advantage. I need to get 5th Army involved. 
