USA - The Home Front and Redeployments - 21 Oct to 11 Nov 1942
21 Oct 1942; The Resistance in Mexico is lower but much higher than I would prefer.
I plan an Amphibious Assault on the Axis-controlled Dominican Republic.My production of Army equipment.
22 Oct 1942: Baku in Azerbaijan has fallen to German troops.
23 Oct 1942: I import Steel from Japan....
....and from The United Kingdom on the next day.
26 Oct 1942: I active the Amphibious Assault.
29 Oct 1942: I organize a Lend Lease package for Japan....
....and develop Aluminium production in New York.
31 Oct 1942: The 81st 'Wildcat' Division has successfully captured Santo Domingo.
01 Nov 1942: The Dominican Republic surrenders and we capture useful equipment. Why wasn't it issued to divisions?
I reinforce my Marine Divisions....
....and create an Airborne Division template....
....the commence recruiting the 82nd Airborne Division.
I plan increasing Steel production by increasing the Infrastructure in Minnesota, Arizona and Tennessee.
I ship General Clark's 4th Army to Pusan, Korea.
I also send 5 Infantry divisions which are still in training to Korea.
04 Nov 1942: I order 4th Army to Korea's border with the Soviet Union.
08 Nov 1942: The Mid-Term elections were a disaster for FDR.
10 Nov 1942: I reinforce Pacific Strike Fleet with 3 Cruisers.
11 Nov 1942: I rename it Atlantic Strike Fleet then order it to the Caribbean Sea.
I assign the trained USS Essex, USS Arizona and 4 Destroyers to the Special Service Squadron which is docked in Georgia.
Now we have to wait for the Soviet Union to capitulate.
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