USA - Further Gains in Turkey and Siberia - 11 May to 13 Jun 1943
11 May 1943: Three Assault divisions have been deployed in California and are placed in training.
13 May 1943: 5th Army on the attack in Turkey.14 May 1943: More Infrastructure upgrades in the US.
18 May 1943: 4th Army's plans on our left flank in Russia.
19 May 1943: 1st and 2nd Armoured Divisions have overrun that German division.
25 May 1943: The offensive continues in Turkey.
26 May 1943: We outnumber the Germans at the moment so 4th Army, with the Marines, is hoping to encircle a few divisions.
28 May 1943: 1st Army troops are exhausted so I give them a break.
Resistance levels in Okinawa....
....and Mexico. The levels remain high because we are at war. (I'd forgotten that small detail.)
I assign five divisions from Training Army in California to Patton's 5th Army but they will take a long time to arrive in Turkey.
07 Jun 1943: We've penetrated the German lines in eastern Siberia.
08 Jun 1943: At least one German division was destroyed here.
09 Jun 1943: My current research....
....and Logistics table. I like those 'green' numbers.
My Construction schedule - almost completely Infrastructure upgrades.
11 Jun 1943: According to the War Summary we are losing the war but it includes the 7 million Soviet dead.
A new offensive in SW France is getting nowhere. The Germans have dug in. I need a Plan B here.
A confused situation on our left flank. Ankara is two states to the north of our front.
13 Jun 1943: We should capture Amasya today.France is a problem but the victories in Siberia and Turkey are a long way from Berlin.
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