USA - Progress in France and Russia - 10 Jul to 03 Aug 1943

10 Jul 1943: Our forces in Siberia continue their offensive. The different colour on the map is because we are liberating the Soviet Union(!).
Our attacks further east....
....however we have a stand-off in Turkey.
15 Jul 1943: I've shortened the frontline in France and a new attack has captured Bayonne. I'm pressing on to capture Bordeaux. I could use the port for better supply.
17 Jul 1943: I add 3 more divisions to 1st Army and ship them to the Azores.
21 Jul 1943: More good news but not enough. We've won the offensive in the Far East of Siberia and there is no escape for another German division.
26 Jul 1943: This German division is in an unenviable situation too. Meanwhile research has been completed on the M6A1 Heavy Tank.
Later in the day I bring in more forces against that lone division.
I select the M26 Pershing Heavy Tank next. I won't be building the M6A1 tank.
28 Jul 1943: We have completed Research on the Naval Doctrine Massed Strikes....
....and I select the M1941 Johnson MG & M2 4.2" Mortar next.
My current Research projects. In Turkey we launch an attack to capture Kayseri.
29 Jul 1943: The UK is warming up again.
01 Aug 1943: I add 24 Military Factories to my Construction schedule.
I conduct a couple of political maneuvers to gain more support in Congress.
That lone German division has managed to retreat but the pursuit moves on.
03 Aug 1943: We appear to have an Artillery shortage. I'll assign some of the new Military Factories to their production when they arrive.
Good. Italy is losing territory again.
Hopefully Rome will be recaptured soon.
On the Global Summary we are still #3 but are closing up to Greater Germany.
The overall situation is improving for us and the Allies but we still have a long haul.
