USA - Refitting Omaha Class Light Cruisers - 05 May to 07 Jun 1937

05 May 1937: The Focus War Propaganda has been completed....
....and I select Focus on Europe next.
I noticed that Omaha Class Light Cruisers can be refitted to the Improved Brooklyn Class Cruisers. I select the USS Raleigh in Destroyer Flotilla 1 first.
I select the Brooklyn Naval Yard....
...and it will require at least 160 days.
In Destroyer Flotilla 2 I select the USS Detroit.
In Scouting Force there is the USS Memphis.
In Asiatic Fleet I locate the USS Marblehead.
In Training Division I notice that the Aircraft Carriers USS Yorktown and USS Enterprise are both fully-trained so I return them to the Carrier Division, Battle Fotce.
I also asssign the trained Heavy Cruisers USS Quincy and USS Vincennes to the Carrier Divisin.
I assign 4 Light Cruisers to Cruiser Division 3. (I just noticed that two of them are Omaha Class.)
I also assign 8 trained Destroyers to Cruiser Division 3.
07 May 1937: Got lucky!
08 May 1937: I won't be there.
01 Jun 1937: I import more Chromium from Cuba.
07 Jun 1937: Pakistan declares war on India and Basic Armour Protection has completed Research.
In the Carrier Force there are 3 Aircraft Carriers that need furtther training.
Four Heavy Cruisers in Battle Force need Naval Exercises.
I select to research Improved Engine at Marmon-Harrington next.
My current Research projects.
The Improved Light Tank Chassis will soon arrive. 
