USA - Alaska Class Battlecruiser and Poland - 12 Jul to 24 Jul 1938

12 Jul 1938: The Washington Treaties limit a Battleship to 10,000 tons so I'll build a 10,000 ton Battle-
cruiser instead. The bare bones. 
I add Battlecruiser Armour II and a Dual-Purpose Secondary Battery II.
I add a Heavy Battery II and an Anti-Air II.
I now add the Rangefinder Fire Control system.
Next I add another Heavy Battery and Anti-Air Battery.
Finally I add a Type P Mk.6 Catapult.
The Alaska Class Battlecruiser is ready and the MIO is Brooklyn Naval Yard.
I place an order for 4 Ships of this class.
15 Jul 1938: The trained 4th and 6th Infantry Divisions are assigned to Army East.
I want to upgrade the Armour Brigade to an early Armoured Division.
I change a Light Tank Battalion to a Medium Tank Battalion....
....then add a Motorized Infantry Brigade.
In the Recruitment Table the name has changed.
18 Jul 1938: My Army and Air Corps production.
The Hawaiian Islands.
I add Trucks to my Army production.
24 Jul 1938: Now that is a surprise.
Also Trotsky is defeating Stalin!
The World Tension History.
Germany has already taken Sudetenland. Can Germany still attack Poland? 
