Russia - Reinforcing Army Libya and More Progress in Manchukuo - 02 Nov to 17 Nov 1941

02 Nov 1941: My Air Wings are activated for Air Supeiority, Ground Support and Anti-Ship missions.
03 Nov 1941: Another traitor is gone.
I transfer two divisions from the Dodecanese Islands to Army Libya.
I also transfer two Mountain Divisions from Army Germany to Army Albania....
....then 5 divisions from Army Albania to Army Libya.
All the new divisions are on their way to Tripoli.
05 Nov 1941: The Spanish captured the islands!
06 Nov 1941: I draw up new plans for Army Libya.
07 Nov 1941: He must have been clumsy.
08 Nov 1941: The Focus Eastern Development has been completed....
....and I select Reinforce Southern Naval Bases next.
11 Nov 1941: I beleve that is good news.
12 Nov 1941: The Japanese defence is very weak near the Korean border so I take advantage of it.
13 Nov 1941: One Assault Division is now in Korea and I am hoping for another encirclement.
14 Nov 1941: I'm hoping to link up with Soviet forces operating in the Central Font.
16 Nov 1941: Some progress has been made.
17 Nov 1941: We have penetrated the enemy front along the railway line.
I'm confident we shall soon conquer Manchukuo.
