Russia - Breakthroughs in Libya and Manchukuo - 01 Sep to 16 Sep 1941

01-02 Sep 1941: We are advancing into occupied Libya and have captured the Airfield at Tripoli.
02 Sep 1941: The plans for Army Libya.
03 Sep 1941: Indeed.
04 Sep 1941: The penetration into Manchukuo contines. I want to encircle more than one division.
06-07 Sep 1941: There are now 5 enemy divisions threatened.
08 Sep 1941: Get the saboteurs!
Six divisions have been surrounded and I am hoping for 4 more further to the west.
09 Sep 1941: The pocket is being reduced.
13 Sep 1941: In the centre our troops are a bit idle.
The newly deployed 148th Assault Division is assigned to Army Far East.
14 Sep 1941: We have finished researching Improved Artillery Upgrade II....
....and I select M1940 25 mm AA next.
I add 3 x 2 Military Factories to the Construction queue.
Manchukuo is now 22% towards capitulation. We have a long way to go.
Three divisions are trying to escape the encirclement.
I add the 6th NKVD Division to the attack.
15 Sep 1941: Our thrust from the north is now blocked by 4 divisions.
16 Sep 1941: Good news.
The enemy is taking serious losses. Can their lost divisions be replaced?
