Russia - The Landings in Japan and the Fall of Tokyo - 24 May to 08 Jun 1942

24 May 1942: The four Assault Divisions have landed unopposed and we have captured a port.
I send the 4 divisions in 4 different directions including the port Osaka.
There are 10 Infantry Divisions and 6 Cavalry Divisions of Army Far East still in Korea or are at sea and I order them to be shipped to our captured port.
There are also 8 Assault Divisions from Army Centre which can be shipped to Japan.
25 May 1942: The bridgehead is expanding nicely and one can see the first 10 Divisions approaching the port.
27 May 1942: The 10 Infantry Divisions have safely arrived and the 6 Cavalry Divisions will soon arrive. I allocate the Force Attack bonus to Army Far East.
29 May 1942: Just checking my Tank production. Also I received a new Tank Division in Gomel.
The plans for Army Far East in Japan. We've only met 1 Japanese Division so far. Did they send them all overseas?
31 May 1942: Army Centre is ordered south and west to capture the southern island.
01 Jun 1942: Four divisions of Army Centre are ordered to advance along the Sea of Japan coast.
The newly deployed 1st Cossack Division is assigned to Army Albania.
Two more divisions from Army Centre are ordered to Japan from Vladivostok.
03 Jun 1942: Thankyou, Gambia.
05 Jun 1942: I order 3 Assault Dvisions to capture Hiroshima.
06 Jun 1942: The 2 Japanese Divisions have been pushed back and I send 1 of our divisions to outflank the enemy.
07 Jun 1942: The 6 Cavalry Dvisions have been ordered to secure the island S of Hiroshima.
In the north we have advanced along both coasts and have captured Yokohama which is Tokyo's port. Forces from the other coast have been ordered south and east to aid in capturing Tokyo and an airfield NE of the city.
Japan is now 37% towards capitulation.
08 Jun 1942: Great news! Tokyo has been captured.
This operation is progressing much faster than I had expected. 
