Russia - Assault Division Upgrade and a New Heavy Fighter - 13 Dec to 15 Dec 1942
I've decided to continue the campaign. I want to modernize the Soviet Armed Forces which is quite a challenge by itself.
13 Dec 1942: I'm reducing Recruitment to only 3 divisions/ batch from previously 6. I want to place more emphasis on upgrading existing divisions instead of creating new ones..
Now I want to upgrade Assault Divisions. When I first created them there was a shortage of Infantry Equipment so I relaced 2 Infantry Battalions with an Artillery Battalion and an Anti-Tank Battalion. We don't have that problem now so I'm adding an Infantry Battalion and an Anti-Air Battalion.The new Assault Division with about 2K more Manpower and 810 more Infantry Equipment.
I need to adjust Imports again. More Rubber from Indonesia....
....and Tungsten from Portugal again.
15 Dec 1942: I also need a more modern Heavy Fighter. Here is the bare-bones Airframe.
I add 2 x Engines III....
....and 4 x Heavy Machine Guns plus an Anti.Tank Cannon II.
Also I add Radio Navigation, non-Strategic Materials Usage and Armour Plates.... well as Extra Fuel Tanks and Self-Sealing Fuel Tanks.
Done. The new Pe-3 Heavy Fighter.
I put it into production replacing the old Pe-2.
More upgrades are planned.
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