Russia - Hungary Near to Capitulation and Berlin Falls - 20 Feb to 03 Mar 1939
20 Feb 1939: I send forces to Carlsbad and attack towards Leipzig in central Germany.
21 Feb 1939: We have captured Küstrin and are very near to Berlin.24 Feb 1939: We are now at the gates of Berlin which appears to be undefended.
The 50th Rifle Division has been deployed in the Far East and I place it in training.
The trained 108th Rifle Division is assigned to NKVD Forces.
My Construction queue. I'm expanding the Port in Vladivostok in the hope of increasing Supply there.
25 Feb 1939: The plans for Army Romania. The main objective is Pecs which if captured will hopefully trigger the capitulation of Hungary..
I add a fifth Dockyard to Destroyer production.
26 Feb 1939: We've captured Berlin. Did we catch Hitler?
Germany is now 39% towards capitulation. Czechoslovakia now looks much better while Hungary is just about hanging on.
I attack on both flanks of the Berlin spearhead.
27 Feb 1939: Both attacks are at 'green 96'.
Not good for the UK.
03 Mar 1939: It appears that Mexico may have become a Communist nation but I don't want them in Comintern. Too far away.
The Focus Anti-Fascist Policies has been completed....
....and I select Desperate Measures next.
We've made excellent progress and we cleary have the iniative. What worries me is that Lithuaniaa is planning to attack Latvia.
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