Russia - Final War Preparations for Polish Campaign - 09 Sep to 05 Nov 1936

09 Sep 1936: The Spanish Civil War begins. We shall not be sending forces before the Polish campaign.
04 Oct 1936: The Purge begins. It has negative effects but prevents a civil war.
07 Oct 1936: The Focus The Stalin Constitution has been completed.
Bulgaria wants a piece of Yugoslavia and a request for aid....
....which we of course agree to do.
I select Inspection in the Army which results in several options.
08 Oct 1936: Good for them. That makes Poland unpopular in Germany.
I select The Zinovyevite Terrorist Centre as my next Focus.
14 Oct 1936: Kulik dug his own grave.
I next select Inspection in the Airforce. Let's see what happens now.
15 Oct 1936: I send the 6 Mountain Divisions in Army Turkey to further training.
The fully-trained 87th Rifle Division is assigned to Army Poland.
19 Oct 1936: I remove a Light Tank battalion from the Mechanized Division template. These tanks go to the reserve stockpile and should alleviate the Light Tank deficit.
21 Oct 1936: Again there are negative effects but Paranoia is reduced.
29 Oct 1936: I assign Air Wings to Army South and Army Reserve. (See bottom row.)
05 Nov 1936: Finally we can attack.
I declare war on Poland.
The War Summary.
Long overdue.
I know that we are weakened by the Purge but we have a comfortable superiority. 
