Russia - Abyssinia, Rheinland and Turkey - 04 Feb to 12 Mar 1936

04 Feb 1936: I'm receiving very little Army XP at the moment which is important in order to change the division templates.
06 Feb 1936: Mussolini is up to his tricks.
08 Feb 1936: He succeeds in grabbing a piece of Abyssinia.
10 Feb 1936: I order Pilot Exercises for Air Groups near to the Polish Front.
Also two Air Groups which are in reserve located at Moscow and in Crimea.
28 Feb 1936: I have now accumulated 50 PP so I can jusify a war goal against Poland. Before the Great War most of Poland was Russian.
04 Mar 1936: We can attack on 05 Nov 1936: Iosif Stalin is already full of rhetoric.
11 Mar 1936: We have completed the Focus Heavy Industry....
....and I select Infrastructure Effort next.
11 Mar 1936: Adolf is also wasting no time.
Turkey must be resisted otherwise we can't use the Bosphorus Straits. If they don't back down we shall be at war!
12 Mar 1936: We survived that crisis.
A diplomatic victory for all parties.
The future of Europe is being forged here. 
