Russia - Civil War in Spain and Decision in Ethiopia - 30 Mar to 02 Apr 1937

20 Mar 1937: Here's a list of the current wars. Republican Spain is not doing too good and Ethiopia is losing too.
The Diplomacy ledgers of the two sides in Spain.
Let's help the Republicans to counter the German help. I'm creating an Army to send to Spain....
....together with Air Support.
So I'm sending Volunteers.
31 Mar 1937: They have been accepted by the Spanish government. Also Ethiopia is asking us to mediate, Since we are 'bigger' than Italy we may achieve something. I choose "We will help them win this war." We could end up at war with Italy but I'm hoping for a better solution.
Well, well, well. Italy has agreed to a White Peace.
There is now a truce with Italy. Can Mussolini survive this???
Ethiopia is landlocked and I can't send troops but I can send Lend Lease if I had something to send.
I can reduce my Rubber imports from British Malaya.
01 Apr 1937: I hope the Trade Unions are Communist.
02 Apr 1937: Nazi Germany doesn't think badly of the Soviet Union at all.
The UK and France are peeved at our conquest of Poland.
Resistance in Poland is much better than I feared it would be.
The British RAF rules supreme as always.
The White Peace in Ethiopia is a slap in the face for Mussolini and I have a foothold in East Africa. 
