Russia - The Battle for Germany (I) - 19 May to 27 May 1939

19 May 1939: To finish this war I need to capture German (and Austrian) cities so I need to capture Bratislava in order to attack Vienna, Linz and Weis are also will produce Victory Points (VP's).. Army Reserve is attacking westwards. Regensburg and Nuremberg are targets. The real El Dorado is northern Germany with the Baltic and North Sea ports as well as the Ruhr District. 20 May 1939: Here Germany is weakly defended and the terrain should not make life difficult for the attackers. I'm attacking the German line in many places. Stettin is an important port-city. The Gateway to the Baltic. Twelve divisions have been allocated to the offensive. I assign 2 Cruisers and 2 Destroyers to the Baltic Fleet.... well as 8 Submarines to the Baltic Submarine Fleet. A Destroyer and 8 Submarines are still in training. 22-23 May 1939: We should soon break through to capture Erfurt and Kassel. 24 May 1939: The German defender has retreated so we shall enter the city. The 104th Rifle Di...