Germany - Japan, New U-Boot, Bulgaria and Estonia again - 13 Sep to 29 Sep 1940

13 Sep 1940: I don't want to get involved with that mess too early although the USA is supporting Japan through Lend Lease.
My non-Panzer Army Production. I've transferred some Military Factories from Support Equipment to Infantry Equipment and Artillery.
I need to adjust my imports. I need Chromium from Greece and less Rubber from Britain.
Now to create my new U-Boot. It also comes bare-bones so I put in a more powerful engine, a snorkel, 3 sets of the latest torpedo tubes.... voilà. My new U-Boot and it's the state of the art.
I add two production lines. All items listed here are 1940 designs.
Again I need more Chromium from Greece and less Rubber from Great Britain.
Bulgaria is free to grab pieces of Balkan territory. They have Adolf's blessing.
16 Sep 1940: That will heat things up somewhat. I'm now very glad that I didn't invite Japan into the Axis.
The current wars. Japan is still 5% up versus Russia.
I ask Japan for a non-aggression pact.
I transfer 4 trained divisions to 1st Army. I later take out the 88. Sturm-Division and place it in 3. Panzerarmee.
Japan accepts the non-aggression pact. One less worry.
18 Sep 1940: Well that is a cluster-f'**k over there. They've just started fighting Japan and now they are fighting each other??? Also research has been completed on Improved Infantry Equipment II.
I place the 1st Breton Infantry Division in training.
I decide to research Special Forces next.
My current research. I'm playing catch up on all these items.
I transfer 2 Panzer-Divisionen and 5 Sturm-Divisionen from 1. Panzerarmee to 3. Panzerarmee.
Now what have these crazy Estonians done? Now I know what Hitler must have thought when Mussolini attacked Greece, The Baltic is my Balkans.
Lithuania is already at war with the Allies and I don't want to gate-crash that party so Estonia is in this alone. 
