German - Post-Conflict Organization - 30 Jul to 06 Aug 1941

30 Jul 1941: Japain's Diplomatic ledger. Like Germany they are no longer at war. They are not in any Faction  and are non-aligned.
This shows how easy it is to/build or repair Railways - 2 days per level.
I plan to improve the Railways and increase the Inrastructure to maximum in all Caucasian regions.
The current Supply map for the region. Hungary intends taking back its Expeditionary Force.... I transfer 10 Reserve-Division to replace them.
I add Crimea to the 'to do' list.
At least we have trains running.
30 Jun 1941: We have created a lot of World Tension.
I prepare a Lend Lease package for Estonia and it is accepted.
31 Jul 1941; Wow! I thought Germany had Resistance Level problems but these are enormous - 67.3% and 34.2%!
My Resistance Levels from Belgium to Baku.
I cancel the Aluminium imports from Hungary.
04 Aug 1941: The 10 Reserve-Divisionen have arrived in the Caucasus.
There are 13 divisions in training.
I need to complete the Organization of the Fallschirmjäger-Divisionen.
I add two more Para battalions and 3 Support Companies.
I am also recruiting 10 more Reserve-Divisionen.
I deploy 5 new Air Wings in Württemberg.
I assign 2 Battleships, a Heavy Cruiser and 6 Destroyers to the Hochseeflotte....
....and 3 U-Booten to 1. U-Boots Flottille.
I start placing all Air Wings on hold.
Two Fighter Wings in Leningrad need Pilot Exercises.
We have to do something about the high Resistance in Estonia. More in the next post. 
