USA - The Home Front and Imperial Japan - 12 Nov to 21 Dec 1936
12 Nov 1936: Good for Turkey!
13 Nov 1936: I transfer 4 Light Cruisers from Cruiser Division 3 to Cruisers, Battle Force........then 1 Heavy Cruiser and 5 Light Cruisers from Cruisers, Battle Force to Cruiser Division 3.
21 Nov 1936: Good news. We receive another 5 Senators and an Ammunition Plant in North Carolina.
A minor setback.
23 Nov 1936: I import more Chromium from Cuba.
I spend 50 PP on Special Measures and gain the support of 5 Senators and 25 House Reps.
08 Dec 1936: I order Pilot Exercises for 3 Squadrons in Virginia.
10 Dec 1936: The deficit of Infantry Equipment is now down to 431 days.
16 Dec 1936: A busy day. We have a civil war in Japan, the Poles forming a Faction with the Baltic States, research on the Lockheed P-38 Lightning has been completed and the Focus War Plans Division has arrived.
I begin an Upgrade on Interwar Artillery.
My current Research projects.
I can now choose the Focus Re-establish the Gold Standard.
I started with 4 Military Factories supporting the production of Infantry Equipment. Now there are 9 with a 10th planned.
I added an extra Military Factory in Kansas and Nebraska on the Construction queue.
The current situation in Congress.
I deploy the new 6th Bombardment Squadron in New Jersey.
21 Dec 1936: The Global Summary and we are barely holding the #3 slot. Germany will soon overtake us.
The good news is that Japan is embroiled in a Civil War so whoever wins will be weaker when we strike later.
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