Germany - Expanding the Empire's Global Presence - 24 Jul to 01 Aug 1942

24 Jul 1942: I order the Nordseeflotte to Albania....
....and the 2 U-Boots Flottille to Derna, Libya.
I base a Fighter Wing and a Stuka Wing at Tripoli, Derna and the Dodecanese.
At Sofia six Air Wings are placed in training, i.e. Pilot Exercises.
25 Jul 1941: I still have a high resistance level in Slovenia.
I take two Decisions. 1) I create an Africa Section for the Abwehr....
....and 2) I initiate Paramilitary training in Italy for 120 days.
I order Armee Russland to assemble in Bucharest....
....and Armee Türkei to assemble in Budapest. Many of its divisions are Hungarian troops serving in the Wehrmacht.
I ship Panzerarmee Guderian to Rhodes.
26 Jul 1942: Now Panama has capitulated!
I split U-Boots Flottille 1 in two halves....
....creating 5. U-Boots Flottille which I order to Somaliland.
I plan the expansion of the Port at French India. The future home of 5. U-Boots-Flottille.
I add two Destroyers and the Heavy Cruiser Blücher to 5. U-Boots Flottille: Remind me to change its name.
I add French India to the garrison mission of Armee Afrika....
....and I plan the construction of a Level 5 Coastal Fortress there.
I need more Tungsten so I import it from the Dominion of India.
Resistance levels in Italy.
I plan the construction of a Fuel Silo in Somaliland.
31 Jul 1942: Der Führer addresses the nation about Yemen.
I create Armeegruppe West which consists of Panzerarmee Hausser and Armee Alpen on our border with two Frances.
01 Aug 1942: I add a 3rd Military Factory to the conversion of Panzer III A's to StuG III A's.
A lot of reorganization is taking place and is in parallel to the build-up in East Africa. 
