Germany - Balkan Blues (II) - 22 Mar to 17 Apr 1941
22 Mar 1941: I need to adjust my imports. I use 2 Civilian Factories to import 16 Tungsten from the UK.
23 Mar 1941: Estonia is annoying me again. It shouldn't show up on my High Resistance list. A gremlin is in there somewhere.26 Mar 1941: Glad to see these numbers are getting lower because things get sabotaged where the garrisons are undermanned.
31 Mar 1941: Mexico is getting greedy. Why isn't the USA intervening?
02 Apr 1941: Why not Honduras too....
Mexico's Diplomacy chart. They have their eyes sights on El Salvador too.
05 Apr 1941: Research on Improved Rubber Processing has completed.
I choose to research Construction III next.
I can reduce Rubber imports from the UK.
08 Apr 1941: Now Greece has been defeated. There are still other forces in the country though. It's rare to see Greece and Turkey fighting on the same side.
16 Apr 1941: The Depth Charge Thrower has been researched.
I decide to research MG 42 & 8 cm Granatwerfer 34 next.
The current Research projects.
I guess it's a waste of time trying to send an Attaché to the UK.
Now I have high Resistance levels in parts of Bulgaria.
I plan the construction of Fuel Silos in four states.
The Motorized Division SS-Verfügungstruppe is a powerful unit. All the infantry, 9 battalions, are motorized and I've added 2 StuG battalions.
17 Apr 1941: I order the 1. U-Boots Flottille from Tunis to Schleswig-Holstein.
I transfer the Hochseeflotte there too.
I assign two trained Destroyers to the Nordseeflotte.
I add 4 x 3 Dockyards to the Construction schedule then rearrange them in a pretty sequence.
Finally I add 2 more Battleships to the Naval Production table.
A pic of the Start-Up screen.
It looks like the war between the Allies and the Latin Entente will be fought in what is left of Turkey.
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