Germany - Organizing the Mittelmeer Theatre - 12 Apr to 28 Apr 1942
12 Apr 1942: The Mittlemeerflotte is created using 4 surface ships from Marineschule Kiel and is assigned to the Mittelmeer Theatre.
The V. U-Boots Flotille is assigned to the Mittlemeer Theatre and ordered to patrol in the Eastern Mediterranean.The VI. and VII: U-Boots Flotillen are also now officially assigned to the Mittelmeer Theatre.
13 Apr 1942: We have lost Trucks due to attrition leaving a minor deficit.
15 Apr 1942: Research has been completed on Active Sonar....
....and Homing Torpedo is selected next.
16 Apr 1942: Two new Geschwader are created in Sicilia.
20 Apr 1942: Finland has cancelled our non-aggression pact. I'm not worried.
I ship Army Ost home to Germany.
Four divisions from Army Ost are transferred to the Armeeschule.
21 Apr 1942: The 2. Panzerarmee is ordered to Warsaw region.
Six trained Sturm-Divisionen are assigned to Army Caucasus.
Eight Sturm-Divisionen are sent for further training.
23 Apr 1942: I ship 6 divisions of 1. Panzerarmee from Sochi to Oddesa.
28 Apr 1942: We have researched Depth Charge Mortar....
....and select Smoke Generators next.
Our current Research projects.
My Playthrough Overview....
....and the Global Summary. We are still #2 but the United Kingdom has a sizeable lead.
It is now 4 months after the end of the Russian campaign and new weapons are being produced in substantial numbers.
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