Germany - The Abwehr, Resistance Levels and the Luftwaffe - 05 Feb to 16 Feb 1942
05 Feb 1942: I redirect V. U-Boots Flotille to Derna instead of the Dodecanese Islands.
09 Feb 1942: I created VII. U-Boots Flotille from V. U-Boots Flotille vessels requiring repairs.My Intel ledger of former Poland.
I tansfer 2 divisions from Finland Force to the Armeeschule....
....then convert the remaining 3 divisions to Sturm-Divisionen.
10 Feb 1942: I dissolve Finland Force by transferring the divisions to 2nd Army.
11 Feb 1942: The Abwehr has been upgraded with Machine-Assisted Encryption (1)....
....and I select Machine-Assisted Encryption (2) next.
12 Feb 1942: Germany Italy switches to a Colony.
15 Feb 1942: Resistance levels in occupied North Africa....
....and in Eastern Europe and European Russia. All levels are decreasing.
The Diplomacy ledger of Japan (green) and allies (bright blue). Their enemies are coloured red.
I prepare a Lend Lease package for China and it is accepted.
16 Feb 1942: Research has been completed on Assembly Line Production....
....and I select Fuel Refining IV next.
My current Research.
16 Feb 1942: I deploy 3 new Geschwader at Derna.
....and order Pilot Exercises for them.
I create 2 more Geschwader at the Dodecanese.
A Geschwader at Tyrol needs further Pilot Exercises.... do 3 more Geschwader at Westfalen.
I now have considerable Luftwaffe Geschwader in the West.
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