Allies - France Capitulates but Free France is Comintern - 08 Jul to 20 Jul 1940

08 Jul 1940: Not looking good for France. They are already 100% towards capitulation.
I order China Fleet to include the Solomon Sea in its patrols.
That Soviet division appears to have been defeated.
I send the 4th Submarine Flotilla to support the China Fleet.
Now we are chasing Italian Submarines that get too close to our shipping.
09 Jul 1940: That was already expected but I wasn't expecting so much captured equipment. I like the Motorized and Weapons II.
The Nazis lost a Torpedo Bomber.
I add the 6 divisions from 1st Army to Army Canada....
....then draw a frontline at the German controlled territory.
13 Jul 1940: I increase the number of Dockyards for both 1940 Destroyer production lines to 5 each.
The War Summary. Our UK losses are very light. Let's hope we can keep it that way.
It will be a long 43 days.
The 2nd and 3rd New Zealand Divisions are shipped to Nice and transferred to Army Canada.
20 Jul 1940: The Italians are blocking their way northwards.
I agree to a non-aggression pact with Romania. Also the 4th Malaysian Infantry Brigade has been deployed and is put in training.
My plans for Army Gibraltar and 3rd Army in West and Central Africa.
I plot an Amphibious Assault to rid us of that Japanese division.
I order two more South African Infantry units to Madagascar.
The Germans are now the largest problem for the Allies in Western Europe.
