Allies - The End of the Wehrmacht in France - 08 Oct to 23 Oct 1940

08 Oct 1940: The final division of Army Gibraltar is shipped to Valencia, Spain.
10 Oct 1940: The locations of Army Gibraltar's divisions.
11 Oct 1940: Breakthrough in France! The 'tip' of the German forces is separated from the rest of their army in Eastern France. Also the Naval Doctrine Battlefleet Concentration has completed research.
I select Improved Ship Torpedo Launcher next.
My current Research.
12 Oct 1940: Army Canada's operations plan.
Fascist Greater Portugal has been called into the war so we start occupying Portugal's colonies in Africa.
I recall two of 3rd Army's divisions from Madagascar.
I occupy Angola's Cabinda province.
I capture Spanish Guinea which is still controlled by the fascist Spanish Directory.
I move divisions from 3rd Army nearer to Mozambique.
Back in France I create a new front for 1st Army. I want to defend Lyon and Army Canada's southern flank.
14 Oct 1940: The encircled German forces have been neutralized and we have captured Saarbrücken and liberated Luxembourg. British forces are poised to cross the Rhine into southern Baden. I transfer 2 divisions to 1st Army to help create a stable frontline.
18 Oct 1940: The allies have lost 3 more Merchants to the Italian fleet.
21 Oct 1940: We have captured the German city of Bitburg NE of Luxembourg and have entered southern Germany. 1st Army is busy near Geneva.
The Italians lose 2 more Destroyers near Malta.
Greater Portugal is now 82% towards capitulation.
I plan an Amphibious Assault on the Italian Adriatic Coast with 8 divisions from FM O'Connor's Army Macedonia.
Army Gibraltar is attacking the remnants of Carlist Spain.
23 Oct 1940: Spanish forces have entered Greater Portugal.
Our Eastern Front in France-Germany.
I don't expect rapid progress in Germany because we have to fight through the Westwall and German-occupied Maginot Line. 
