Turkey - More Upgrades and Global News - 11 Oct to 17 Nov 1922

11 Oct 1922: Wow! The British are doing a Dieppe in North Carolina. They are quickly contained.
I decide to send a Military Attaché to the United Kingdom.
A view of Canada on the USA's Diplomacy screen. I can offer the US Military Access and Docking Rights. They on the other hand are offering me nothing.
I overlooked a couple of Fighter Wings on Kyushu. I transfer them to Taiwan.
A quick look at my Intel Network in North America.
23 Oct 1922: I add a Motorized Anti-Tank Battalion to my Armoured Car Divisions.
26 Oct 1922: That has put a hole in my Motorized stockpile. Localized Training Centres is added to my Intelligence Agency.
30 Oct 1922: Research for Signal Company II has finished....
....and I choose Marines I next.
I now have excess Steel imports so I cancel my orders from the UK....
....and reduce my imports from Germany.
01 Nov 1922: I now have 50 Civilian Factories available for Construction.
I decide to ship my Armoured Corps to Adana.
10 Nov 1922: A summary of my Army Infantry production and my Naval Forces.
I send 72 Transports to Japan to help speed up the Lend Lease.
17 Nov 1922: Four new Piyade Tümeni have been recruited and deployed. They are placed in training.
A trained Albanian Infantry Division is assigned to the Balkan Occupation Army....
....and the 9th Heavy Tank Division is assigned to the Armoured Corps.
It is shipped to Adana to join the rest of the Corps.
Two more divisions are returned to 2nd Army....
....and five new Artillery Brigades are placed in training.
In Turme I further upgrade my Radio Interception Group.
My new Carrier, the TCG Tekirdag (named after a city in Eastern Thrace), has arrived and is now exercising.
That's all for this post. Peacetime is boring but I've had my fair share of war. Until soon. 
