Turkey - Early Preparations and Iberia - 03 Sep to 28 Sep 1924

03 Sep 1924: I create plans for 1st Army and the Armoured Corps....
....then for the Reconnaissance Corps.
Finally for the 1st Mountain Army.
I also build or expand three airfields near to Afghanistan.
08 Sep 1924: Propaganda support from Mehmed V.
I assign six new Destroyers to OE Task Force 10....
....and a new Heavy Cruiser to the OE Battle Fleet.
My Infantry production with 3 months available to build up reserves....
....plus my Armour and Aircraft production.
I have a lot of old Bomber aircraft stockpiled....
....so I organize a Lend Lease package to Iran.
09 Sep 1924: The upgrade Government Cipher School has arrived for Turme.
17 Sep 1924: The Focus Doctrine Effort III has been completed....
....and I select Armour Effort next.
22 Sep 1924: I order a new Building Slot in Burgas.
26 Sep 1924: I have just noticed that Spain has now joined the conflict against the Central Powers. Here is the Pyrenees Front.
There is also fighting on both sides of the Straits of Gibraltar with Spain losing big in NW Africa.
More combat in Spanish Sahara....
....and in southern Africa against the Portuguese colonies.
A lot of British divisions in southern Arabia have disappeared. Where to?
I shorten 2nd Army's frontline by excluding the northern portion - the border between Austria-Hungary and Ukraine.
I transfer 8 Romanian division from Army Ukraine to the new 3rd Army and assign to the section of the border which 2nd Army vacated.
28 Sep 1924: Done!
Spain's entry into the conflict was an unexpected surprise. My Spanish Gambit worked after all. 
