Turkey - A Carrier Force and Arabia - 16 Jan to 18 Feb 1923

16 Jan 1923: A British Fleet passing by with no less than 12 capital ships.
I create a new Task Force with 1 Battlecruiser, 3 Light Cruisers and 16 Destroyers.
17 Jan 1923: My Intelligence Agency Turme is upgraded with Interrogation Techniques.
20 Jan 1923: My Aircraft Carrier TCG Tekirdag is fully-trained and assigned to the OE Carrier Force.
28 Jan 1923: The new Early Fighter V has been researched.
I select Early Light Tank I next. Not to build it but to advance down the list of tank designs.
My current Research projects.
I add the 4 Mountain Divisions from 6th Army to the Hejaz Army.
I transfer a 5th Mountain Division from Eritrea to Jeddah.
29 Jan 1923: I add a 4th Light Cruiser to my Carrier Force.
It remains patrolling the Eastern Mediterranean while the pilots of its Carrier Wing train.
09 Feb 1923: Five trained Artillery Brigades are assigned to the Artillery Army stationed in Kiev.
Four Piyade Tümeni are assigned to 6th Army at Adana.
The Resistance levels in the newly conquered territories are now much lower.
A Lend Lease package of older aircraft is sent to Iran.
17 Feb 1923: The Focus Crush Arab Revolts has completed.
I select the Focus Fight Hejaz Revolt next.
I transfer the 5 Mountain Divisions to Army Arabia and move them to Jabal Shammar.
I also move my two Air Wings in Hejaz to Jabal Shammar.
18 Feb 1923: The 20th Fighter Wing resumes its training.
I transfer the 13th Fighter Wing from Asir to Eritrea.
That's all for this post. I don't know what will happen in Hejaz in the near future but I believe I'm prepared. 
