
Showing posts from November, 2020

Turkey - Naval Battles and Guam is Captured - 22 May to 23 Jul 1926

22 May 1926: My current projects being researched. 29 May 1926: The Resistance levels in Afghanistan are no problem if they remain at this level. 05 Jun 1926: Task Force 5 is now stationed at Cayenne. 05 Jun 1926: It is patrolling the Demerara Plain and Caribbean Sea with 25 Submarines. I create the 30th Fighter Wing at Islas Canarias. 09 Jun 1926: The Focus Naval Gun Effort III has been completed. I select Naval Deployment next. 10 Jun 1926: In the Far East I start planning a 4 division amphibious assault on Guam. 11 Jun 1926: OE Task Force 3 is assigned to the Mariana Region.... ....while OE Task Force 10 is ordered to the East China Sea. The Carrier Force s sent to the Philippines Sea. 15 Jun 1926: Task Force 6 remains in the Bismarck Sea. We now have Naval Superiority in all the relevant Naval Regions. In the Caribbean Sea a US Submarine is sunk. Two more US Submarines are sunk on 27 June and 06 July. 09 Jul 1926: The assault on Guam is activated. 17 Jul 1926: Another US submarin...

Turkey - The Islas Canarias Campaign - 16 Mar to 22 May 1926

16 Mar 1926: I create a couple of air wings in Mindanao to support my defences there. I order the Carrier Force back to port in Taiwan.... ....and OE Fleet 1 to Rabaul in the Bismarck Islands. 19 Mar 1926: My Navy deployment in the SW Pacific. 20 Mar 1926: The War Summary. I plan a 3 division assault on Islas Canarias. It will require 21 days of preparation. 31 Mar 1926: The Focus Destroyer Effort has completed.... ....and I select Naval Gun Effort III next. I deploy five Artillery Brigades early and cancel the fourth tranche. Five trained brigades are assigned to 3rd Army and will be shipped to Adana. 05 Apr 1926: I assign my Battle Fleet to Naval Invasion Support and on.... ....13 Apr 1936 I activate the attack. 21 Apr 1926: The landings are opposed but we are winning the battle. 08 May 1926: The assault is progressing slowly but towards a victory for us. 10 May 1926: A trained Heavy Cruiser I is assigned to the Battle Fleet. My second Aircraft Carrier II has been launched and is i...

Turkey - From Mindanao to French Guyana - 19 Jan to 16 Mar 1926

19 Jan 1926: The US defenders are given no respite as we storm into Mindanao. 20 Jan 1926: The Focus Capital Ship Effort has completed.... ....and I select Destroyer Effort next. Another amphibious assault this time on Mindanao SW of Davos, the regional capital. 22 Jan 1926: One US division is stubbornly holding the line but the pressure is too much. 28 Jan 1926: Our forces are advancing into Mindanao on a broad front. Research has completed on Interwar Support Weapons III .... ....and I select Maintenance Company IV next. My projects currently being researched. 07 Feb 1926: Mindanao has been captured and with the campaign pretty much over I create Army Phili to garrison the islands. 12 Feb 1926: Again the answer is no. The remaining 10 divisions of Army Far East are ordered to garrison Taiwan which automatically sends them all there. I order 1st and 8th Fleets back to various ports. The Global Summary showing Germany with 1111 points! On the Home Front I upgrade my Recruitment from...