Hanau Streets - 27 Mar 2020

Here are two pics of Hanau in the 18th century.
 Notice the huge fortifications with moats etc.
 Restaurants are closed but you can still call in your order then pick up 30 mins. later.
This is a church which was partially bombed in WW2. 
 I went out for an hour or so and took a beer with me. The café is closed but the tables are there.
 Only two customers at a time. Customers obey the rule!
 The Eiscafé is open but everything "To Go". Nice lady works there!
A view of the Hanau mini-mall. The street level etage.Where are the people???
 At my table I was visited by a pigeon looking for food.
 No people means no crumbs to pick up. Hard times for pigeons too!
 Next time I'll take some bread. I have some old slices.
 Two more pics of the basement level of the mall. Nobody in sight!
 The seating area is off-limits so all the snack bars are closed too.
 Finally a Café on Freedom Square. It's open but only 1 customer at a time. This is my favourite. They have about 100 kinds of coffee!
That's all for this time. Ciao!
