Germany - The USA is Fighting the Allies - 13 Sep to 23 Sep 1942

13 Sep 1942: The USA has defeated Canada????? When did the United States join the war? Against the Allies!
I can only imagine that it is because of the Monroe doctrine. There are so many European nations fighting Mexico and other Latin American countries. This changes everything. I definitely don't want to get involved in this mess. I need to finish my upgrades - let's call it Wehrmacht 1944 then make a decision.
15 Sep 1942: The technology MG 42 & 12 cm Granatwerfer 42 has been researched.
I select Hummel next. This  is a Panzer IV chassis with a 15 cm Field Gun on it. It will replace the Wespe.
My current list of projects being researched.
19 Sep 1942: Now the USA has captured Guadeloupe. The Caribbean Islands are on America's front doorstep.
I transfer trained Destroyers and U-Booten to the Schwarzmeer Flotte.
I create the Mittelmeer Flotte from the Ostafrikaflotte and order it to Tripoli.
23 Sep 1942: Liberia(!) joins the Allies, not the USA.
I transfer Panzerarmee Manstein to Derna, Libya.
The trained 90. Infanterie-Division (mot.) is assigned to Panzerarmee Hausser at the French border.
Two trained Russian Cavalry Divisions are assigned to Armee Russland and ordered to Bucharest.
The Iberian Peninsula today. The lime green is part of the German Reich, the purple is British controlled while the brown is Fascist Spain and a German puppet. Galicia, Catalonia, Navarra and Gibraltar are independent states.
A list of Allied nations in Europe.
I deploy a Stuka Wing and a Fighter Wing to Spanish Afrika.
I ask the Spanish Empire for foreign manpower to fulfil our garrison requirements....
....and Spain agrees to provide 282,790 manpower. Very generous.
Valencia has a lot of capacity for construction projects.
The Resistance levels in occupied Russia. Poland is all green 0%. I look forward to that happening in Russia too.
Now that the USA is in the War the British have there hands full. I shall sharply increase fighter production to try and catch up with the RAF.
