Germany - Further Redeployments - 25 Feb to 09 Mar 1943

25 Feb 1943: Panzerarmee Manstein will be soon be arriving at many ports in southern Spain.
27 Feb 1943: Andalusia is very mountainous so Panzerarmee Manstein could benefit from a couple of Gebirgsjäger-Divisionen.
28 Feb 1943: Another Russian Infantry Division is placed in Armeeschule Moskva.
Five Military Factories are now assigned to StuG III A production.
01 Mar 1943: My Logistics chart now looking much better.
Hungarian and Romanian divisions are supporting the Mexican Junta....
....but they are not preventing further US victories. 
The Abwehr commences decrypting the Turkish ciphers.
03 Mar 1943: Yet another Russian Infantry Division arrives.
A detailed view of 1st Motorized Division in recruitment.
Thirteen Military Factories are now dedicated to Jagdpanther A production....
....and I import more Tungsten from Greece to cover increased demand.
04 Mar 1943: My Construction schedule includes a Fuel Silo in Granada and much more.
Three Armoured Divisions are transferred from Panzerarmee Manstein to Panzerarmee Rommel....
....which is at the northern Yugoslavian border.
05 Mar 1943: The divisions are in transit.
07 Mar 1943: I cancel Tungsten imports from Norway and switch to India instead.
And yet another division arrives in Moskva. Why don't they recruit divisions for their own army?
Finally the Resistance levels in norther Italy are noticeably better.
Levels hovering between 7% and 10% are very encouraging. 
