Germany - New Combatants - 22 Mar to 01 May 1943

22 Mar 1943: The 'missing' Fort in my Maginot Line will soon be completed. Also the Fuel Silo in Granada will hopefully help alleviate the supply problem in Southern Iberia.
27 Mar 1943: I have three fleets the Mediterranean. The 3. U-Boots Flottille is based at Rhodes in the Dodecanese.
The 2. U-Boots Flottille's home port is Derna in Libya.
Also in Libya at Tripoli is the Mittelmeerflotte with 4 Light Cruisers and 20 Destroyers.
A portion of the Luftwaffe. Most of the Fighter Wings are equipped with Fw 190's. I've now started producing Night Fighters - Me 410's - and production will increase!
Two divisions in Armeeschule 1 are almost ready to be assigned to armies.
07 Apr 1943: Japan enters the war! Their target is the People's Republic of Ma. Now where is that?
As you can see Japan is Democratic following the civil war a few years ago. They are in faction with Korea and the Dutch East Indies who appears to be a puppet. They probably coerced it from the Dutch like they are now trying with their Philippines Focus.
The Republic of Ma is in central China (light green in the left of the pic) and they are in Comintern. They don't have common border with Japan.
Now that explains it. The Guangxi Clique is a Comintern member and Taiwan is Japanese.
I import more Rubber from Siam.
11 Apr 1943: Great! The new Battleship is in training again.
12 Apr 1943: The technology Landing Craft has been researched. These are much better than using merchant ships.
I select Improved Computing Machine next.
My current list of Research projects.
I plan to double the production of Me 410 Night Fighters.
14 Apr 1943: War Support is at 90% and we are not even at war.
17 Apr 1943: Oops! Now that has put a spanner in the Japanese works.
The Philippines are at war with the Allies (but not the USA) and they are located between Japan and the Dutch East Indies. The USA still has Military Access to the Philippines. WE may get a US-Japanese conflict after all.
19 Apr 1943: As I guessed the Guangxi Clique was the goal and they are now at war with Japan and Korea.
24 Apr 1943: My deficit of the Medium SPG Hummel will be filled in 69 days. The equipment with a high number of Military Factories will soon have them transferred to aircraft production.
I transfer the 3. SS Division and the 25. Panzer-Division to Panzerarmee Rommel in Slovenia.
25 Apr 1943: The Resistance level in Slovenia is now much lower....
....but in Zara it remains high at 25%.
Finally in a key region, Alsace Lorraine, it is down to 14%.
01 May 1943: I pause the campaign here and check the Global Balance report. The gap between us and the UK is closing.
I still have hundreds of aircraft in reserve but unlike those of the UK their aircraft are spread all around the world. I'm sure that I have air superiority in Europe. 
