France - The End in Poland - 13 Dec to 30 Dec 1940

13 Dec 1940: With all that support the war should soon be over.
14 Dec 1940: Research has been completed on Fuel Refining III....
....and I select 1940 Medium Tank Chassis next.
My current Research projects.
16 Dec 1940: Thanks for everything.
17 Dec 1940: They'll be a great help.
17 Dec 1940: What is going on here?
18 Dec 1940: The newly deployed 41st Infantry Division is placed in training.
The 7th Light Mechanized Division is assigned to Army Maginot.
20 Dec 1940: Not good for the SSSR.
21 Dec 1940: How many wars is Yugoslavia fighting?
The Republic of Bulgaria appears to have won the Civil War. In the south they have even entered Yugoslavian teritory.
22 Dec 1940: In the north the 6 Motorized Infantry Divisions are attacking towards Radom and in the west my Infantry Divisions are attacking Katowice then Kraków.
29 Dec 1940: The newly deployed 45th Infantry Division has been placed in training.
I allow Germany Military Access.
Poland has capitulated. They lost almost a quarter of a million troops.
I order Army Poland to Danzig so it can be shipped back to France.
Again units of Army Indochine landed at the wrong port. Why they are in Assam I have no idea.
Finally a look at my Fuel status and it is looking very good.
Now I can try to make som sense of the Balkan mess. 
