France - The Campaign Against Iberia (I) - 02 Jul to 21 Jul 1941

02 Jul 1941: There are a lot of Austro-Hungarian divisions heading to the Spanish border so I intend being part of the party. I merge Army Mobile with Army Maginot and assign them to the left flank.
03 Jul 1941: The border is lightly defended but it is good defensive terrains.´There are also gaps in their line.
I plot a stop line for Army Pyrenée and Austria-Hungary offers me 17 divisions as an expedition force.
05 Jul 1941: I add a Fighter Wing as Air Support and rename the Army.
Army A-H is on my right flank.
07 Jul 1941: I activate both armies. A dozen CEA members have sent a Call-to-Arms and I ignore them all.
13 Jul 1941: My Motorized Infantry Divisions are racing ahead.
I plot avenues of attack for some of my divisions.
14 Jul 1941: I need Tungsten so I import it from the UK.
16 Jul 1941: Some Army A-H divisions are on the wrong flank so I order them to advance in the direction of Lisbon.
19 Jul 1941; The Iberians are 32 % towards capitulation and the SSSR is about to be conquered.
We are about to capture Valencia, The divisions will then advance along the coast to Malaga.
21 Jul 1941: I'll manage without their Enfields.
21 Jul 1941: We have captured Madrid and I don't see a single Iberian division. Oh, there is one east of Madrid.
The advance continues.
Lisbon is the new capital so let's send a division there.
I send a second division to Portugal while capturing a few cities on the way.
More in the next post.
