Germany - Further Upgrades - 20 Jul to 27 Jul 1945

20 Jul 1945: I return 3 trained Infanterie-Divisionen to 2. Panzerarmee.
In 9. Armee I convert all the divisions to Sturm-Divisionen.
22 Jul 1945: In the Gebirgs Armee 3 Gebirgs-Divisionen are sent to Armeeschule Ost for further training.
The trained 30. Infanterie-Division is returned to 3. Armee.
In 3. Armee 3 Infanterie-Divisionen are converted to Sturm-Divisionen....
....and are placed in training.
23 Jul 1945: Research has been completed on Large Cannons....
....and I selects Cannons II from Focke Wulf next.
My current Research projects.
Oh well, I can't justify a war goal against China....
....and the whole world is at peace.
My Construction queue.
Two Geschwader in South Korea require Pilot Exercises.
I create 3 Geschwader in Tohoku, Japan.
25 Jul 1945: I disband the KG 26 "Löwen" so that its aircraft can be used elsewhere.
27 Jul 1945: We have are 1.32M Manpower and we have Low Manpower!
I assign the trained U-136 to IV. U-Boots Flottille.
Finally 3 trained Sturm-Divisionen are returned to 3. Armee.
We now have almost 250 active Divisionen in the Wehrmacht. 
