Romania - The First Six Months - 01 Jan to 18 Jun 1936

The new update won't be released until the end of November so I have time for a new campaign - this an historical for other nations and I want to play a minor nation.

01 Jan 1936: Here I selected  Romania, Veteran and Historical AI.
This is the first major decision. I select Preserve Greater Romania because I want to build a large alliance which will (hopefully) make it less likely to be attacked by Germany or the Soviet Union.
Next I choose the 3 items I which to research. Pretty much standard choices. I only have 3 slots.
My initial production which makes me short of Steel and I therefore import it.
I only have 4 Civilian Factories so I can't do much Construction.
02 Jan 1936: My Fuel situation looks good but I'm not using any.
These are the Combat Units I have available - apart from the Infantry Division they are weak.
My Airforce.
04 Jan 1936: This a pain and neither choice is good. More later.
20 Jan 1936: My stockpiles are not pretty.
11 Mar 1936: The Focus Preserve Greater Romania has completed....
....and I select Renew Romanian-Polish Alliance next because we need each other. Don't forget that Germany is playing historically and will therefore eventually attack Poland.
This is also a good one but I will select this in due time.
The first victory for Hitler but I am already peeing in his soup.
12 Mar 1936: Turkey didn't waste much time either.
My Cavalry Army.
24 Mar 1939: That was quick.
26 Mar 1936: Since I have lots of Fuel I commence Pilot Exercises for my entire Airforce.
06 Apr 1936: We are making progress.
28 Apr 1936: I select my Chief of the Army - I gain Army XP now.
01 May 1936: As to be expected.
20 May 1936: My first foreign policy success. We are now guaranteeing each other's independence.
I select the Focus Cordon Sanitaire next. This could bring Czechosloakia and maybe Yugoslavia into the bloc.
05 Jun 1936: The 22 divisions of my Infantry Army are fully-trained and I split it into two halves. I assign Army 2 to the Polish border so that they can quickly support Poland.
I assign Army 1 to the Hungarian border. (It's not far from Poland.)
15 Jun 1936: Bulgaria doesn't like us. We occupy some of their territory as a result of WW1.
16 Jun 1936: We have completed our first Research projects....
....and I select Electronic Mechanical Engineering.... well as Basic Medium Tank Chassis next.
18 Jun 1936: I make this bad choice again.
A slow but positive beginning. 
