USA - Asia Build-Up and Europe - 01 Dec to 29 Dec 1939

07 Dec 1939: We are heading to the port of Qingdao.
08 Dec 1939: Research has completed on Armour-Piercing Capped Shell....
....and I select 1940 Destroyer Hull next.
My current Research projects.
11 Dec 1939: Not looking good in Europe and my advance to Qingdao has been blocked by 12 Japanese divisions.
My available War Goal.
I need Naval Superiority in the South China Sea so I order the Asiatic Fleet and the 5th Submarine Squadron into the region.
12 Dec 1939: I also order the Cruiser Division 3 and Destroyer Division 20 to Manila.
Japan's Diplomacy Chart. Both Germany and Italy are guaranteeing Japan's independence.
13 Dec 1939: I decide to attack north.
17 Dec 1939: That is quickly blocked so I attack Qingdao again.
21 Dec 1939: That's getting nowhere but more bad news from Europe.
Germany now has the upper hand. I see no British troops at the frontline.
The Dutch and Belgian Focus Trees.
I move 4 divisions from Miami to Tampa Bay.
24 Dec 1939: I quit trying to capture Qingdao and decide to help the Chinese at their frontline.
27 Dec 1939: The 104th Infantry Division has been deployed and I place it in training.
I reduce the number of Infantry divisions being recruited from 8 to 5.
28 Dec 1939: A big setback in the House but more important Germany attacks France.
Damn! I was hoping France would join Comintern which would have brought the Soviet Union and Spain into the war against Germany.
The situation is somewhat bleak in Europe but I am content with affairs in the Far East.
