Germany - Panzer Division Faux Pas and A New Combatant - 11 Nov to 20 Nov 1943

11 Nov 1943: I've just remembered that most of my Panzer Divisions still have the old 1942 format.
So I start converting. First Panzerarmee Manstein and Armee Spanien in Iberia.
Then Panzerarmee Hausser on the French border....
....and Panzerarmee Rommel on the Greek border. There is one elusive division which I can't find.
I begin creating a new Armee in Hindenburg, formerly Stalingrad. Four times 6 Sturm-Divisionen.
The British really are upsetting things in Scandinavia.
Armee Afrika is now fully-trained so I halt the training mode.
Five more U-Booten are transferred to 1. U-Boots Flottille patrolling in the English Channel.
13 Nov 1943: That's Gibraltar's new name by the way.
The Abwehr is upgraded with Passive Defence (3).
Introducing the People's Republic of Spain.
The Abwehr's next upgrade is Passive Defence (4).
17 Nov 1943: This little state has joined the war against the Allies!
More balls than brains!
20 Nov 1943: I step up the production of the He 177 Greif strategic bomber.
I need to import more Rubber from Vietnam and British Malaya.
I also import more Aluminium from Hungary....
....then lower Tungsten imports from India and Portugal.
21 Nov 1943: I double the size of my He 177 Wings in Weser-Ems and Rhineland.
They naturally need further training.
The United Kingdom appears to be heading towards a conflict with the Reich but we shall be ready! 
