Turkey - German Woes - 11 Dec 1914 to 08 Jan 1915
11 Dec 1914: My Focus Construction Effort II has completed and I choose Patriotic Fervor next.
I send an Attaché to Vienna.
12 Dec 1914: There is high resistance in this former Serbian region called Morava so I send 6th Army as an extra garrison.
13 Dec 1914: My current Research and I need to fix the import problem.
I cancel the contract with Russia....
....and import the steel from Austria-Hungary instead.
14 Dec 1914: I modify my new fighter....
....then place it in production.
Finally I import Rubber from the Netherlands.
26 Dec 1914: The Caucasus Front appears to have stabilised. Russia has received support from its allies including about 10 French divisions.
I don't see much change on the northern front either.
31 Dec 1914: The situation in Belgium.
01 Jan 1915: The Central Powers have advanced to the gates of Trieste.
02 Jan 1915: Entente forces appear to be counter-attacking from Luxembourg in strength. Germany has few divisions available. A breakthrough here would be a big setback.
So that's how Germany entered northern Belgium - through the Netherlands. That is new to me because normally the Dutch would have to be a belligerent to allow that.
The Germans have a lot less troops here now. The Italian entry into the war has caused problems for Germany.
My Logistics and note that I have a healthy surplus of Field Guns. A dozen French divisions here too.
My current Construction and I shall receive a new Dockyard in 20 days.
My Fighter production is very slowly gathering speed but it only has ca. 20% production efficiency at the moment.
Why do they have 19 divisions on Rhodes???
I decide to offer the UK military access....
....and they accept. That will hopefully appease them.
In the Adria the Entente appear to have received reinforcements.
So the war is going 8% in favour of the Central Powers.
Only non-essential shortages at the moment. Good news.
It is time that I improve my Reserve divisions. They are only cannon-fodder at the moment.
I add an artillery battalion, an infantry battalion and an engineer support company.
The resistance in Morava is slightly lower now. Elsewhere it is negligible.
We are still #7 in the world and that won't change anytime soon. The Entente are twice as strong yet are still losing.
That is all for this post. Germany appears to have no strength anywhere at the moment but I have noticed that they are moving some forces westward. Until next time.
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