
Showing posts from 2020

Germany - Redeployment and the Economy - 16 Jan to 10 Feb 1937

16 Jan 1937: A large deficit of Infantry Equipment and I've just allocated over 9,000 to be sent to Spain! I need more Rubber so I import it from the UK. I plan the construction of 4 MF's and 4CF's. I convert the Kavallerie-Kommando Insterberg to a Panzer Division and put in training. I rename it to 6. Panzer-Division. I order Ritter von Leeb's Armee Ost to the Soviet border. Guderian's Panzerkorps is ordered to garrison Warsaw, Krakov and Poznan. The current Resistance levels in occupied Poland. The situation will deteriorate. I split 1st Armee to create 2nd Armee.... ....then order it to the Austrian border under Albert Kesselring's command. I then order 1st Armee to the French border. 19 Jan 1937: The Logistics screen. 22 Jan 1937: No more reprieve for MEFO. Reparations from the Great War are imposed. 23 Jan 1937: I've lost 60% of my CF's for 80 days. 29 Jan 1937: At last my Fuel is looking good. 30 Jan 1937: My volunteers have arrived in Spain. I ord...

Germany - Reorganization and Spain - 13 Jan to 16 Jan 1937

13 Jan 1937: Unfortunately I can't take all states in the first round because that would leave me with less points than 22 which Romania has. So I leave one state with 23 points.... ....then annex it in the second round. 14 Jan 1937: The Treaty of Katowice. This is what happens to an Infantry Division when an infantry battalion is replaced with an artillery battalion. I increase the number of Infantry Divisions being recruited from 6 to 10. The new Panzer-Division template after removing a Panzer battalion and adding 4 motorized infantry battalions and an artillery support battery. After adding two mountain infantry battalions, an artillery support battery and an engineer company a Gebirgs-Brigade,,,, ....becomes a Gebirgs-Division. I add two Panzer-Divisionen and one Gebirgs-Division to my recruitment plan. I start placing all divisions which are not fully-trained into the Armeeschule. I rename the Gebirgs-Brigade to 1. Gebirgs-Division. These three divisions are not fully-trained...

Germany - The Polish Campaign - 24 Dec 1936 to 13 Jan 1937

24 Dec 1936: I order the I. U-Boots Flottille and Hochseeflotte to patrol the Lower Baltic Sea. I move my Naval Air Wing further East and assign it to anti-ship duties. 26 Dec 1936: The War Justification against Poland has completed.... I declare war without calling Romania. I also assign 3 trained divisions to 1st Army. My plans are to attack the Polish defences along the entire front primarily to pin down their divisions to prevent them from regrouping. The War Summary.... ....and the Luftwaffe deployment. 27 Dec 1936: Germany is in the headlines again! A lot of high green battle figures. 29 Dec 1936: We have broken through their lines north of Breslau. The 17. Infanterie-Division pursues the lone Polish Kavallerie- Division. 31 Dec 1936: The breach has been widened. 01 Jan 1937: Guderian's Panzerkorps has pushed back the determined enemy division and can now advance east and north as planned. 02 Jan 1937: The technology Active Sonar has been researched.... ....and I sele...