
Germany - War In Southern Europe - 14 Jan to 16 Feb 1939

14 Jan 1939: Only the Jagdpanzer III's are missing. 15 Jan 1939: It's amazing that it survived the Polish conflict. The Italian and French Diplomacy registers. The Italians are friendlier but unappetizing. Not much of a conflict so far.  Before I enter I want a Treaty with Bulgaria first. 21 Jan 1939: I say 'No'.... ....but I do remind the Dutch again. 22 Jan 1939: Also 'No'. 30 Jan 1939: The Trait can wait. 02 Feb 1939: Instead I start Justifying a War against Italy and it only takes 65 days, so in early April. I'll need some good Foreign Affairs. Carl Walther receives the Trait Private Scientists Program .  04 Feb 1939: I convert the 7. and 11. Panzer-Divisionen to the 1939 Format. 09 Feb 1939: I assign the 9. and 14. Panzer-Divisionen to I. Panzerkorps. 11 Feb 1939: HDW receives the Trait Efficient Fuel Engines .... ....and it applies to current production. I delete all orders for I. Panzerkorps and assign it to our border with Yugoslavia. What? We still ...

Germany - The Slovenia Crisis - 01 Jan to 14 Jan 1939

01 Jan 1939: We remind the Dutch again. So Adolf only has 42% support of the people. I add Fuel Silos in Germany and more MIF's to the Construction queue. That's the breakdown of my 499 Medium Tanks. I upgrade all Panzer-Divisionen in II. Panzerkorps to the 1939 format. 03 Jan 1939: My Fuel situation could be better but we have nothing planned. 09 Jan 1939: Ten Infanterie-Divisionen have been deployed and are placed in training. Crazy numbers. The trained 188. Gebirgs-Division is assigned to Armee Ost. 12 Jan 1939: The Focus Demand Slovenia  has been completed.... ....and the Focus Danzig for Skovenia  has been bypassed. Yugoslavia appears to be saying no and I have a War Goal. No bust because I have 2 years. So Yugoslavia is now in the French Alliance. The bad news is that I can't attack without starting a war against France. The good news is that France can't join the Allies. Romania is still guaranteeing Yugoslavia's independence.... I seek a non-aggressio...